Payment Module services
Magento India offers high-quality Payment module creation services and enables its clients to grow their online business. Certified developers integrate Magento store with various payment gateways and enable store to accept all major credit and debit cards all across the world.
We help you beat your competition with thorough analysis of keywords and building a comprehensive SEO strategy to rank you higher up on major search engines which includes GoogleT, YahooT, BingT.Quality and relevant content for optimization and later for promoting the website is the most important part of SEO. Off-page optimization is also very important, proper linking strategies and site submissions will bring quality traffic and increase the PageRankT of the site.
we provides all the major payment modules and their APIs including:
- PayPal.
- CCAvenue.
- WePay.
- ICICI Pay Seal.
- Citibank Payment Gateway
Our services include: Website Hosting, Website Design, Logo Design, Flash Animations, Web Development, SEO/SEM ,Software Development,Database Design, Mobile Application